Supramental Day - Feb, 29 - The Day of the Lord In 1956 on February 29th, while Mother was in meditation at the playground with all the sadhaks, She saw a golden door and a golden hammer. She broke that door with the hammer. A Golden Light, the Supramental Light, flooded the earth. Up rose the earth's tamas and swallowed the descending Force. Mother said, "Henceforth, Feb. 29th will be the Day of the Lord." It is known as Supramental day and celebrated once in four years. Auroville was founded a day prior to that day. The Mother was watching that Force organise Itself on earth. She began to meet Sri Aurobindo in the subtle plane from 1959 and converse with Him. He told Her that the governments would come under the influence of that Force from 1967. The date 4-5-67 was thus chosen to be celebrated. She saw the Force organising itself as a person, the Consciousness of a Person, on the New Year day of 1969. Until 1973, She was speaking to a sadhak about that Force organising Itself for action. When strange events were brought to Her notice, She commented how the Force expressed Itself through those events. Sri Aurobindo was always golden in the subtle plane, but after the descent, many sadhaks had visions of the Golden Purusha. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have not left us. They are very much there in the subtle plane. Devotees with subtle vision see them in their dreams or dhyana. One thing all those who have lived before the descent know is, any prayer now is more quickly answered, and more fully too. Mother was sorry that no one was aware of the descent. Even now, every four years we celebrate the descent. It is a pity we are so dense and unconscious. We do not see the Force. Of course, many feel it in the atmosphere as a powerful Presence. - From Spirituality and Prosperity by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal Thanks, AuroMere Meditation Center, (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center) Chennai, TN India |
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Darshan Day - Supramental Day - Feb 29, 2012 - Message of the day
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SupraMental Day (Feb, 29 - 2012) Activities - AuroMere Meditation Center, Chennai
Dear Sri Mother and Sri Aurobindo Devotees,
Today, Feb 29, 2012 is the Supramental Day - The Golden Day. AuroMere Meditation Center offers Special Pushpanjali on this Darshan Day (Feb-29, 2012) . Today's activities of our center and MSS (Mother's Service Society) are as follows.
Today, Feb 29, 2012 is the Supramental Day - The Golden Day. AuroMere Meditation Center offers Special Pushpanjali on this Darshan Day (Feb-29, 2012) . Today's activities of our center and MSS (Mother's Service Society) are as follows.
- Prayer Timings: : 6.00 AM - 6.30 AM & 6.00 PM to 6.30 PM
- Web Conferences : Click here to confirm your participation for the web conference talk conducted today (February 29, 2012) about உலகத்து பிரச்சினைகளுக்கு ஆன்மீகத் தீர்வுகள் by Mr. N.Asokan (MSS) from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. If you are a first time participant, please do mention your town/state/country of residence and your contact number.
All the devotees of Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo are welcome to participate.
AuroMere Meditation Center, Chennai
Webex Conferences on "The Life Divine" and "Pride & Prejudice" on Feb 29, 2012
Dear Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Devotees,
MSS is conducting a series of web conferences on The Life Divine, on Pride & Prejudice and on other relevant topics such as Accomplishment, Prosperity, positive aspects of Spirituality and Mother's way of life. The meetings will be on the 1st and 4th Sunday of every month.
Since most Centers arrange for group participation, wherever possible we request interested individuals to join the meeting at one of the Centers. If you do not have access to any of the Centers, or if you are located outside India, you can request an individual login.
Click here to confirm your participation for the next web conference talk on February 29th, 2012 about உலகத்து பிரச்சினைகளுக்கு ஆன்மீகத் தீர்வுகள் by Mr. N.Asokan from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. If you are a first time participant, please do mention your town/state/country of residence and your contact number.
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai,
We would like to share the information on Web Conferences on "The Life Divine" and "Pride & Prejudice" conducted by our Mother's Service Society, Pondicherry on the SUPRAMENTAL DAY, FEB 29, 2012.
Since most Centers arrange for group participation, wherever possible we request interested individuals to join the meeting at one of the Centers. If you do not have access to any of the Centers, or if you are located outside India, you can request an individual login.
Click here to confirm your participation for the next web conference talk on February 29th, 2012 about உலகத்து பிரச்சினைகளுக்கு ஆன்மீகத் தீர்வுகள் by Mr. N.Asokan from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. If you are a first time participant, please do mention your town/state/country of residence and your contact number.
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai,
Darshan Day - Supramental Day - Feb 29, 2012
Dear Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Devotees, Greetings. AuroMere Meditation Center offers Special Pushpanjali on the Darshan Day, Feb-29, 2012 (Supramental Day). Thanks,Center Timings : 9.00 am - 7.30 pm. Daily Meditation Timings: 6.00 pm - 6.30 pm Darshan Day - Prayer Timings on Feb - 29, 2012 : 6.00 AM - 6.30 AM & 6.00 PM to 6.30 PM All the devotees of Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo are welcome. Om Namo Bagavathe! AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai, Chennai. |
Message of the Day - Feb 28, 2012
We see people of low type acting without sensation. Sensational people act without thought like rushing to the door on hearing drum beating. People who think act only as their thought moves, not sensations. As thought overcomes sensation, Mother says consciousness overcomes thought. SHE acts only like that. When we do not think, we find a great idea entering us from consciousness. It is possible for us to let our selves move only by consciousness, suspending thought. To do that we must give up thinking. |
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center), Chennai
TN, India.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Message of the Day - Feb 27, 2012
Man has the capacity not to see what is before him. He can ask you as if a fresh question the thing you have repeated 100 times. It is known as unconsciousness. -Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal |
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center), Chennai
TN, India.
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center), Chennai
TN, India.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Messages of the Day - Feb 24, 2012
வீடு ஆணுக்கும் குடும்பம் பெண்ணுக்கும் உரியது. பொருள் ஈட்டுவது ஆண். பெற்ற பொருளை பொறுப்புடன், கடமையுடன், பண்பாக, உரிய செயலுக்கு பயன்படும்படிச் செய்வது பெண். திறமை குறைவானால் பெரும் பொருள் வீணாகும். பொறுப்பில்லாவிட்டால் உரியவருக்குக் கிடைக்க வேண்டியது உரிமையற்றவரிடம் சென்றடையும். கடமை தவறினால் காலம் காட்டி உறுத்தும். பண்பு குறைந்தால் பெரும் செலவில் சிறு காரியம் அரைகுறையாக முடியும். இவை பெண்ணுக்கு அமைந்தது. இதை சாதிக்க அவளுக்கு செயலிலும், சொல்லிலும், உணர்விலும் கட்டுப்பாடு தேவை. கட்டுப்பாடு உயர்ந்தால் கடமை சிறக்கும், மிளிரும். கட்டுப்பாடு குறைந்தால், கட்டுத்தறியிலிருந்து விடுபட்ட மாடாகும் குடும்ப வாழ்வு. - From the article -The Greatness of Women ( பெண்ணின் பெருமை)
-Life Divine |
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikkaranai,
Chennai, India
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Messages of the day - Feb 23, 2012
- ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்த சுடர் - மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம் Magazine Mother never punishes, never. Still Her devotees meet with troubles. Such troubles are of the following description:
-Daily Messages - Volume 1 by Thiru Karmayogi Avarkal. |
AuroMere Meditation Center, Chennai
TN, India.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Messages of the day - Feb 22, 2012
- ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்த சுடர், மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம்.
-Daily Messages Volume 1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal. |
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center), Chennai
TN, India.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
In Mother's Consciousness - A presentation on Feb, 21, 2011 by Garry Jacobs
Feb 21, 2012
10.15 AM (Birth Time of Sri Mother)
Dear Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo devotees,
Feb 21, 2012 is a darshan day, Sri Mother's Birthday. On this day, we would like to share a presentation "In Mother's Consciousness" by Mr. Garry Jacob.
Download Link : In Mother's Consciousness
Darshan Day - Prayer Timings on Feb - 21, 2012 :
6.00 am - 6.30 am (Morning) & 6.00 pm to 6.30 pm (Evening)
All devotees are welcome! Om Namo Bagavathe Sri Aurobindaya!
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai,
Chennai, TN
Messages of the Day - Darshan Day (Sri Mother's Birthday) - Feb 21, 2012
Today is a Darshan day - Sri Mother's Birthday. On this day, we would like to share some information about Sri Mother. WHERE IS MOTHER? By ‘Mother’ we mean the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram who lived here in her physical body for over 60 years. Sri Aurobindo said Mother was an avatar and an incarnation of the Divine Transcendent Shakti. In Her individual aspect she lived here and worked with Sri Aurobindo. During her stay She revealed her universal aspect several times. To us, her devoted children dedicated to Her mission, She is the Supreme Divine Mother physically leading us to the realisation of the Supermind. She is individual, universal and transcendent. Her being here on earth, Sri Aurobindo said, is an act of constant Grace. When all is said and done, we mortals have a way of feeling that she WAS here and now Mother is not here, referring to her physical existence. It is true that the physical presence of Mother is constant Grace, an incomparable opportunity to relate to Her as her own children. It is an Hour of God and not luck that earth was often favoured with. Perhaps this was the most auspicious hour in earth’s life. Mother even added a new dimension to Her existence on earth. The Divine Mother, of whom she was a physical incarnation, herself came down on earth to hasten the advent of the Supramental Being, because our Mother was here. Well, it is a physical fact that Mother lived amongst us and now she is no longer with us in the physical body. How do we know when she acts, where she is, which acts express her grace? There are several ways that were true even when Mother was here and continue to be equally true now, perhaps more true. One thing is certain. Mother’s presence is now more powerfully felt everywhere than when she was here prior to 1973. She responds to calls more quickly and her answers bring a fuller result. When a devotee meets Mother, she initiates him into spirit by looking into his eyes, reaching his soul through the eyes, fixing a spark of herself in his soul, which grows there into an emanation of her, presiding over his life. Apart from that permanent lodged inhabitant, there are the other moments when she comes into your mind, heart, nerves or life. They have a special sweetness, each special to its own plane, and have a marked way of expressing. We can know Mother is there when CALM invades our heart suddenly. When Mother chooses our heart as a temporary abode, we feel it as CALM. If she chooses to linger there for more than a minute, causeless joy issues out of our heart. Joy is always Mother’s gift and causeless joy is a stamp of Her presence. If you ever find your mind expanding--actually it is felt as if the skull is expanding--you can spot out Mother in your mind. If thought ceases in your mind of currents and cross currents, it indicates Mother’s visit to your mental region. When the sensation of excitement changes into pleasing expansiveness, when others speak your thoughts, when life moves towards you bringing you the man you want to meet, the things you want to acquire, when new rules are made to meet your new needs, when MORE is given to you than what you asked for, when an argument against you turns in your favour, when help arrives exactly on the minute, MOTHER IS there. A man with a deep-seated inferiority complex developed a high strung tension and learnt to live with it, living a miserable inner life. He came to Mother’s Darshan and on the same day the entire terror dissolved forever. Another well-placed business executive of very fortunate circumstances in life developed a fond sentiment for the Vedas and learnt important portions, neglecting traditional injunctions. His unorthodox interest in the orthodox ways of Vedic lore had the very opposite result than he aimed at. His mind was torn by an unbearable tension to the point of having sleepless nights and nightmares for 15 years. He came to have Mother’s Darshan. When he entered Her room, even before coming in front of Her, Her gaze fell on him and wiped out the demon that had possessed his mind. A professor of high academic education and attainment came to Mother’s balcony Darshan and found his mind falling silent and his thoughts ceasing, an experience he never had in life. A timid lady who used to fear everything and everyone came to the Ashram to renew contact with her sister lost several years before and was frightened beyond measure as to what would happen at the meeting. To her surprise, meeting her sister in the Ashram premises gave her a joy not known to her before. Clever talebearers in a school carried false stories to the indecisive headmaster against a new teacher. He called a teacher’s meeting to discuss and decide on the 29 complaints. Being unprecedented in the 100 year tradition, every other teacher was panicky about the issue, since a weak boss was being handled by clever intriguers. In a potential atmosphere for any untoward turn, the meeting began on an uncertain note and led nowhere. The new entrant was a devotee of Mother and decided not to defend himself. He awaited the result. The foolish remarks of the talebearers provoked the headmaster who furiously turned against them for leading him into a situation he could not manage. He abused them publicly and dispersed the members. When the devotee does not defend himself, Mother defends him more fully than he can. - From Life and Teachings of Sri Mother by Thiru.Karmayogi Avarkal. |
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai.
TN, India.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Web Conferences on "The Life Divine" and "Pride & Prejudice" on February- 21, 2012 (Sri Mother's Birthday)
Dear Devotees,
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Chennai, TN
We would like to share the following announcement from our Mother's Service Society.
MSS is conducting a series of web conferences on The Life Divine, on Pride & Prejudice and on other relevant topics such as Accomplishment, Prosperity, positive aspects of Spirituality and Mother's way of life. The meetings will be on the 1st and 4th Sunday of every month.Since most Centers arrange for group participation, wherever possible we request interested individuals to join the meeting at one of the Centers. If you do not have access to any of the Centers, or if you are located outside India, you can request an individual login.Click here to confirm your participation for the next web conference talk on February 21st, 2012 about வாழ்க்கையை நம் கட்டுப்பாட்டிற்குள் கொண்டு வருவதற்கான விதிமுறைகள் பாகம் 3 byMr.Jagannathan from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. If you are a first time participant, please do mention your town/state/country of residence and your contact number. |
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Annai & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Chennai, TN
Messages of the Day - Feb - 20, 2012
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோதத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
AuroMere Meditation Center,
Friday, February 17, 2012
Divine Maya - MSS - Speech by Mr.Garry Jacobs & Mr.Chandrasekaran
Dear Sri Mother and Aurobindo Devotees,
We would like to share the Webex Conference Speech of Mr.Garry Jacobs & Mr.Chandrasekaran on Feb, 5, 2012 on the topic "Divine Maya".

We would like to share the Webex Conference Speech of Mr.Garry Jacobs & Mr.Chandrasekaran on Feb, 5, 2012 on the topic "Divine Maya".

Download audio Link : Divine Maya
Click the following links to Download the PDF version of the Presentations on Divine Maya:
Source :
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Life Divine - Summary
Life Divine - Summary - Part 1 (லைப் டிவைன் - அத்தியாயச் சுருக்கம்) |
- மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம் Magazine , ஜனவரி, 2012 |
For Malarntha Jeeviyam Magazine Subscription
please visit
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Message of the Day - Feb 17, 2012
- ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்த சுடர் - மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம், Jan - 2012
AuroMere Meditation Center,
Thursday, February 16, 2012
There is no Problem without a Solution - Speech by Mr. Nagarajan - Tamil Version
Dear Sri Mother and Aurobindo Devotees,
We would like to share the audio presentation of Mr.Nagarajan on the topic "There is no Problem without a Solution".
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
We would like to share the audio presentation of Mr.Nagarajan on the topic "There is no Problem without a Solution".
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Darshan Day (Sri Mother's Birthday) - Feb 21, 2012
Dear Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Devotees, Greetings. AuroMere Meditation Center offers Special Pushpanjali on the Darshan Day, Feb-21, 2012 (Sri Mother's Birthday). Center Timings : 9.00 am - 7.30 pm. Daily Meditation Timings: 6.00 pm - 6.30 pm Darshan Day - Prayer Timings on Feb - 21, 2012 : 6.00 am - 6.30 am (Morning) & 6.00 pm to 6.30 pm (Evening) All the devotees of Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo are welcome. Om Namo Bagavathe! Thanks, AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai, Chennai. |
August 15 - Mother's Agenda
August 15 is the day when all past errors are effaced.
(Volume I, Page 326, Mother's Agenda)
ஆகஸ்ட் 15 ஆம் தேதி கடந்த தவறுகள் கரையும் நாள்.
- பகவான் பிறந்த நாள் எவருடைய கடந்த கால தவறும் கரையும் நாள்.
- 1945 ஆகஸ்ட், உலக யுத்தம் முடிந்தது.
- 1947 ஆகஸ்ட், இந்தியா விடுதலை பெற்றது.
- 1962 ஆகஸ்ட், அன்று பகவான் ஆசிரமத்தின் மீது அமர்ந்திருந்தார்.
- பக்தர்கள் ஆகஸ்ட் 15 இல் தங்கள் வாழ்வின் குறை கரைவதைக் காணலாம்.
- ஆகஸ்ட் 15, நிறைவு நிறையும் நாள்.
தம் சொந்த வாழ்வில் திரண்டு வந்த குறைகள் திடீரெனக் கரைந்த அனுபவமுள்ளவர், அதை நினைவு கூர்ந்து பார்த்தால், இவ்வனுபவம் புரியும். பல அன்பர்கள் ஆசிரமம் வந்த நாள், அன்னையை முதலில் அறிந்த சமயம் ஆகஸ்ட் 15 என அறிவர். அந்த நாள் ஆகஸ்ட் 15ஆக இருப்பது வழக்கம்.
- Page 30, Magazine Malarntha Jeeviyam (மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம்), February, 2012.
please visit
Auromere Meditation Center, Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Messages of the Day - Feb 16, 2012
- ஆயுள் நீடித்தால் ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்தம் பலித்துள்ளது என்று பொருள்.
- உலகில் இருள் இல்லை. ஒளியை பார்க்க முடியாத கண்களுக்கு இருள் உண்டு.
- விரோதி விலகினால் நண்பனாவான். நாள் கடந்தால் நண்பன் எதிரியாவான்.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோதத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- A gift is a material present.
- Emotion that goes into it enriches it.
- Thought behind it ennobles it.
- The spirit underlying sanctions it at the beginning and sanctifies it finally.
- Daily Messages Volume-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
AuroMere Meditation Center (Sri Mother and Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Messages of the day - Feb 15, 2012
- குறை கூறுபவன் குறை கூறி நிறைவை உற்பத்தி செய்கிறான்.
- தனக்கு வந்த கஷ்டம் உங்களுக்கும் வந்துள்ளது என ஒருவர் சந்தோஷப்பட்டால், அவர் மேல் உள்ள பிரியத்தால்தான் உங்களுக்கும் வந்துள்ளது எனப் புரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டும்.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- Mother created Auroville to prevent wars. We can similarly discover a token to prevent every mishap and avail of every opportunity.
- The finest expression on the face comes when the soul is activated. It can either be adoration or anger. As long as it is the soul that expresses on the face, it matters little whether it is positive or negative.
- Daily Messages Volume-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center) Pallikaranai, Chennai.
நினைவும் செயலும் (Ninaivum Seyalum) - From Malantha Jeeviyam Magazine, Mother's Service Society (MSS), Pondicherry
நினைவும் செயலும்
- நினைவு எப்படியிருந்தாலும் பலன் செயலுக்கே வரும்.
- முழு நேரமும் பரீட்சைக்குப் படிக்க விரும்பினாலும், கொஞ்ச நேரம் படிப்பவனுக்கு மார்க் செயலுக்கேற்ப வருமே தவிர, நினைவுக்குப் பலனிருக்காது.
- ஏனெனில் முழு நேரமும் படிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற நினைவை மீறி அதற்குக் கீழே படிக்க விருப்பமிருக்காது. பலன் ஆழ்ந்த நினைவுக்கே வரும்.
- மனம் மாறாமல் செயல் மாறினாலும், மாறிய செயலுக்குப் பலனிருக்காது. மாறாத மனத்தையே பலன் பிரதிபலிக்கும்.
- Magazine மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம், February, 2012.
To subscribe the magazine Malarntha Jeeviyam,
please visit
Auromere Meditaion Center, Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Messages of the Day - Feb 14, 2012
- திட்டத்திற்கு வெளியே நடப்பது திருவுள்ளம்.
- நல்லது தவிர வேறெதுவும் இருக்க முடியாது என்ற தெளிவு, எதையும் நல்லதாக மாற்றவல்லது.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- Calmer sensations change the substance. The more one is willing to change, the greater will be the change he can effect on others.
- Knowing the process of Truth becoming Falsehood helps change Falsehood into Truth.
- Daily Messages Volume-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Annai and Sri Aurobindo Center), Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Messages of the Day - Feb 13, 2012
- எந்தத் தொந்தரவும் அருகில் வராமலிருக்கவும், நம் காரியங்கள் அனைத்தும் பூரணமாகப் பூர்த்தியாகவும், நம் நல்லெண்ணத்தை உலகம் ஏற்கவும் முடியும் என மனிதன் அறியவில்லை. இது அவனுள் கேட்கத் தெரியாத வரம்.
- மனம் நல்லெண்ணத்தால் மட்டும் நிறைந்திருந்து அன்னை நினைவு தானே உள்ளிருந்து அழைப்பாக எழுந்தால் இவ்வரம் தானே தன்னைப் பூர்த்தி செய்து கொள்ளும்.
- ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்தம் - கர்மயோகி அவர்கள்
Human nature is crooked like a dog's tail. It is easier to straighten it than to change the body consciousness.Wider ideas change the perspective. Stronger emotions change the consciousness.
- Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Messages of the Day - Feb-10, 2012
- நாம் ஏற்கும் அன்னை, அன்றாட வாழ்வை மீறி நம்மை நாடி வராவிட்டால், நாம் அன்னையை ஏற்றதாகுமா?
- பகவான் ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்தர் வாழ்ந்த நாட்களில், இவ்வுலகத்தின் நியதி ஆண்டவனின் நியதி என்றறிந்தோமா ?
- நியதி ஒன்றே. நிமிர்த்த தேவையில்லை. நிமிர வேண்டியது மனிதன்.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும்மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- Truth becomes falsehood when the Force puts pressure on consciousness to understand.
- Material suffering is illusory.
- Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
AuroMere Meditation Center, Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
List of All MSS Centers (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Centers) in Tamilnadu
Dear Sri Mother and Sri Aurobindo Devotees,
Greetings from Auromere Meditation Center. For your information we have listed all the MSS centers in Tamilnadu.
AuroMere Meditation Center, Pallikarnai, Chennai.
Greetings from Auromere Meditation Center. For your information we have listed all the MSS centers in Tamilnadu.
36, Ambattur, Chennai 600 053. Phone No.95-44-26573191 Mobile No.94440-27240, 95517-89183 P.N.Balasubramaniam | “Amudha Illam” Plot No.10, Chitlapakkam, Chennai 600 064 Phone No. 95-44-22230315,22237053 V.Ramasubramaniam | |
Cuddalore Meditation Center-1 No.3b, Manjakuppam Cuddalore- 607 001 Phone No.954142-222330 J.Sekaran | Cuddalore Meditation Center-2 “Mother’s Marvel” 71, Thiruvalluvar Salai Jyothi Nagar, Cuddalore- 607 001 Phone No.94871-38442 J.Sathya Narayanan | |
Chidambaram Dhiyana Maiyam-1 331, Annamalai Nagar Chidambaram-608 002 Phone No.95-4144-238159 K.Balasubramaniam | No. 2, Pin – 608001 P. Natarajan | |
Sri Annai Dhiyana Maiyam Opp. To Dharmapuri-636 701 Phone No.95-4342-269575 E-Mail Id; Mothers_Dpi@Yahoo.Co.In G.Chandrasekaran | The Mother Mirra Mandir 95/1, Near Naidu Mahal Dindukkal- 624 005 Phone No.95-451-2421512 S. Inbarajan | |
Sri Annai Dhiyana Maiyam No.16/111. Sairam Colony Kumbakonam-612 001 Phone No.95-435-2426101 M.Jaganathan | L 6/3, T N H B Korattur Chennai 600 080 Phone No.95-44-2632992 Gowri Radha Krishnan | |
Plot No.77, Palaniappa Nagar (Near Thabalpetti) Madhavaram Chennai 600 060 B.Sivaraman | “Sundaram” No.24, West C.I.T.Nagar Chennai 600 035 Phone No.95-44-24347191 E-Mail Id: Mssmambalam@Yahoo.Co.In Vijaya Narayanan | |
Mambalam Meditation Center-2 15/3, “Malar Annai Illam” Phone No.9544-24743711 Geetha Rangarajan | No.10, (Near Lakshmi Amman Koil) Perambur, Chennai 600 011 Phone No.95-44-25591777 Vimala Raghavan | |
“Rishi Illam” No.85, Perambur, Chennai 600 011 Phone No. 95-44-25512897 Vedam Natarajan | No.4/1, Perambur, Chennai 600 011 Phone No.95-44-25586355 Parvathi Durgayandi | |
1A, First Kamakoti Nagar, Pallikaranai. Chennai 601 302 (LandMark : Near Email : Phone : 09840787736 Contact Person : Mrs. Booma Sadagopan | Sri Matha New Rajiv Gandhi Nagar S I P C O T Ranipet-632 403 Phone No.95-4172-247320 Lakshmi Narayanan | |
Mother Mirra Foundation 121, Abiramapuram Colony Municipal Thanjavur-613 007 Phone No.95-4362-241568,242283 Balu | 41/54,A-B, Trms Compound T.B.Road Usilampatti-625 532 Madurai Dist. Mobile No.98420-29359 Parimala Dhanaraj | |
2/1-A, Upstairs, Opp.Employment Office Vellore-632 012 Phone No.95-416-2211573 C.Jayapal | ||
AuroMere Meditation Center, Pallikarnai, Chennai.
Messages of the day - Feb, 09, 2012
- நல்லவராக நடித்தாலும் அதற்கும் தவறாது பலனுண்டு.
- உலகம் பெறாததை தேடுபவன் முன்னோடி. பலரும் பெற்றதை பெறுபவன் முன்னோடி இல்லை.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும்மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- The Vedic Rishis accomplished in the physical true integrality of spirit.
- Sri Aurobindo realised the Absolute in the physical.
- The true physical is different from the subtle physical.
- Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
AuroMere Meditation Center, Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Messages of the Day - Feb 08, 2012
கர்மம் என்பதற்கு மேல்மனத்திற்குத்தான் உண்மை. ஆழ்மனதிற்கு அதில்லை.
கர்மம் கரையும் என்பதைவிட கர்மமே இல்லை என்பது பெரியவுண்மை.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும்மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
Let us know where our thirst is consciously centered. That is another measure of our value. The pattern of transition from surface to the depth is the description of one's character. We are what we thirst for. Mother's cells thirst for Truth.
What do we thirst for? At what centre?
- Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Muranpadugalum Udanpadugalum -Speech by Mr.N.Asokan - Tamil Version
Dear Sri Mother and Aurobindo Devotees,
We would like to share the audio presentation of Mr.N.Ashokan from MSS on the topic Muranpadukalum Udanpadukalum.
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
We would like to share the audio presentation of Mr.N.Ashokan from MSS on the topic Muranpadukalum Udanpadukalum.
Download Link : Muranpadugalum Udanpadugalum
Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother & Sri Aurobindo Center),
Pallikaranai, Chennai.
Download the article PENNIN PERUMAI
Dear Devotees,
Greetings from AuroMere Meditation Center.
Greetings from AuroMere Meditation Center.
Download the tamil text version of the online talk delivered on 25.12.11 by Mrs, Usha Ramadoss from Ambattur Centre on the theme of The Greatness of Women. The speech was written by Sri.Karmayogi Avarkal for Mrs. Usha Ramadoss to deliver.
To read the entire article Download the PDF version of PENNIN PERUMAI.
AuroMere Meditaion Center ( Sri Annai and Aurobindo Center) Pallikarnai, Chennai.
பெண்ணின் பெருமை
தூய்மை என்பது இறைவனை மட்டும் நம்பி வாழ்வது என்பது அன்னை விளக்கம். இறைவனை சச்சிதானந்தம், புருஷன், ஈஸ்வரன் என அழைக்கிறோம். புருஷனை நம்புவது பிரக்ருதி, ஈஸ்வரனை அடுத்து செயல்படுவது சக்தி. ஆங்கிலத்தில் Husband (கணவன்) என்ற சொல் பொருள் ஈட்டுபவன் எனவும் Wife என்பது (Woman) பெண் எனவுமாகும். தமிழில் புருஷன் என்பது ஆன்மீக அடிப்படையில் இறைவனாகும். பத்தினி, பாரியாள், மனைவி, இல்லக்கிழத்தி, சம்சாரம் என்ற சொற்கள் ஆன்மீக அடிப்படையில் கற்புடைய பெண்ணையும், குடும்ப பாரத்தை ஏற்ற பாரியாள் எனவும், மனைக்குரிய பெண்ணாகவும், இல்லத்தை இருப்பிடமாகக் கொண்டவள் எனவும் கூறும்.
பெண்மையின் முதல் அம்சம் தாய்மை. தாய்மை சுயநலமே அறியாத பரநலனுக்குரிய ஜீவனாகும். பெண்ணின் உடலமைப்பு பக்தியின் சின்னம் என்று பகவான் கூறுகிறார்...
To read the entire article Download the PDF version of PENNIN PERUMAI.
AuroMere Meditaion Center ( Sri Annai and Aurobindo Center) Pallikarnai, Chennai.
Messages of the day - Feb- 07, 2012
தைரிய லக்ஷ்மியை தனியாக வைத்திருக்க முடியாது.
அவர் அஷ்டலக்ஷ்மிகளையும் அழைத்து வருவார்.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
- To know what you are thirsting for is self-awareness.
- That alone is the Reality for you.
- The surface occupies itself in non-activities when the depth is unable to express its thirst.
- All surface activities, however they are seemingly directed, are really directed only to realise the self-awareness of the depths.
- Man's value lies in or is indicated by the distance between surface and depth.
- Daily Messages Vol-1 by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal.
- Auromere Meditaion Center (Sri Annai Aurobindo Centre), Chennai
Monday, February 6, 2012
Message of the day
வேண்டியது முடியவில்லை மற்றும் கிடைக்கவில்லை என்றால் வேண்டாதது கிடைக்கும் எனப் பொருள்.
-Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother's & Sri Aurobindo's Meditation Center), Chennai
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகளிலிருந்து.
Aanmeekach Sinthanaikal by Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal, Mother's Service Society
நிலையான பெரும்பலன் தரும் ஒரு சொல்லோ, செயலோ இவ்வுலகில் இல்லை.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகள், ஜனவரி 2011.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகள், ஜனவரி 2011.
-Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother's & Sri Aurobindo's Meditation Center), Chennai
Message of the Day
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Current Events
Auromere Meditation Center welcomes all devotees for the Second Saturday Pushpanjali on 11, Feb - 2012.
- Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother's & Sri Aurobindo's Meditation Center), Chennai
Aanmeekach Sinthanaikal Jan-2011 - Thiru. Karmayogi Avarkal, Mother's Service Society
பிறர் குறை தனக்கிருப்பதையும் தன் நிறைவு பிறருக்கிருப்பதையும் அறியும் மனிதனுக்கு அறிவுண்டு.
- கர்மயோகி அவர்களின் ஆன்மீக மற்றும் மனோத்தத்துவ சிந்தனைகள், ஜனவரி 2011.
- Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother's & Sri Aurobindo's Meditation Center), Chennai
- Auromere Meditation Center (Sri Mother's & Sri Aurobindo's Meditation Center), Chennai
Friday, February 3, 2012
Download New Year Calendar 2012 - Sri Mother in Japan
Dear Devotees,
Greetings from Auromere Meditation Center.
We are happy to share the New Year Calendar 2012 - Mother in Japan from Mother Service Society, Pondicherry.
Auromere Meditation Center, Pallikarani, Chennai.
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